Vision, Mission, Values, Motto and Logo


Healing minds through a cultivation of
Wellness, Wholeness and Wiseness.



Nurturing self-counselling as a way for leading a more balanced and satisfied life.



Journeying together with Respect, Aspirations, Inclusion, Support and Engagement (RAISE).



Give . Share . Serve



Insight Mind Insights” (or IMI, to be read as “I Am I“), is capitalised to emphasise the significance of cultivating and nurturing the insights in our minds throughout the therapeutic process. This is the foundation for re-conditioning ourselves to become better versions of ourselves, for ourselves.

To show that the perceptions and interpretations on issues relating to people, events, things, and relationships are not wholly and solely black or white, it is coloured in charcoal-grey.

The tagline of “Wellness . Wholeness . Wiseness” summarises the key goals of therapy services at IMI.

A part of the logo is dark green in colour to signify the importance of personal development in the process of therapy.

The three Ws in the tagline are represented by a complete and rounded “fruit” as a symbol.

The vitality of self-growth is the essence of IMI and is seen as the “seed” within the fruit.

The fruit and seed are displayed in a gradation of dark to light green to highlight the therapeutic process of achieving Wellness, Wholeness, and Wiseness, leading to weightlessness and brightness.


Disclaimers and Credits:

  • Inside Mind Insights” is registered as an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) with a UEN (Unique Entity Number) of T22LL0801B.
  • The applications of Legislation Laws are based on Singapore for any legality issues when providing and receiving professional therapy services in-person and/or online, within or outside Singapore.
  • Most photographs used on this website are from while others are from Krish Phua or his friends.