
What my clients say:


He/Him, 40s, Chinese, Singaporean

It has been a tough and rough journey for me to be still alive today, due to my infidelity.

I was totally devastated, realising the potential of my marriage ending and my family breaking up. And I knew that I need someone to talk to…

I was on the verge of ending my life when Krish contacted me. He brought me out of darkness. He had been deeply thoughtful and compassionate during our counselling sessions. He led me to see the bigger picture in life.

He had not only helped to save my life but also helped me stay in my marriage. He had also been constantly keeping in touch with me to check on my well-being. His act reminded me to treasure life.

He is like a grand lighthouse stationed at the top of a cliff, using multiple light beams to guide all the lost boats trapped in the rough sea. I hope he continues to be the guiding lighthouse to bring all the lost boats safely to the shore.

Greatly appreciate having known Krish and a big Thank You to Krish!


He/Him, 40s, Swiss

When I first saw Krish, I did not know where to begin. I just knew I had a lot of problems. I had lost hope that someone could help me.

However, Krish listened to me patiently in a non-judgemental disposition. He helped me verbalise all my challenges, assessing them in a structural way. He conducted a very creative way to overcome my anxiety with a controlled exposure therapy in public! I never would have believed that I could master it. He found the root cause of my depression and educated me how to face and process it.

Together, we worked systematically on all my issues – some of them only emerged in the course of the therapy – and we co-created an action plan. It just took a few weeks and I felt like a different person.

Krish encouraged me to make some tough decisions that were long overdue. And a new chapter in my life began – this time, it finally goes into the right direction.

Thank you Krish, I shall be eternally grateful to you for helping me to turn my life around.


She/Her, 40s, Chinese, Singaporean

Krish came highly recommended by a close friend of mine. I decided to reach out to him because I was in a bad emotional state. I was also profoundly troubled, struggling with family-related issues and boundary-setting.

Through our sessions, I gained an in-depth understanding of my trauma responses and how these responses were affecting the way I behaved and reacted to situations and individuals.

Krish’s patience and gentle guidance have helped me learn how to deal with my issues, and it has improved my relationship with my family members. I am also better at setting boundaries.

For anyone considering counseling or therapy, I would highly recommend Krish. He is very empathetic and genuinely cares for my well-being. I actually felt comfortable enough to share certain aspects of my life that no one else knew about.

My healing is still an ongoing process, but with Krish’s guidance, I am definitely headed in the right direction. I feel very blessed and deeply grateful that our paths crossed. No words can describe my gratitude. Thank you, Krish.


He/Him, 30s, Italian

I worked with Krish during a trying period in my life, and the help I received from him truly made a difference.

He supported me with great empathy, compassion, and generosity, offering insights along the way that were critical to processing trauma and transforming suffering into new opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

He played a critical role in my emotional well-being, and I will always be grateful for his guidance and assistance.


She/Her, 60s, Chinese, Singaporean

Plagued with family disharmony, I’m referred to Krish for counselling. 

I find him very patient and professional in guiding me with clear and succinct sharing of his expertise.

He can steer incidents that I relate to the right perspectives, and point out the areas of improvement that I need to work on.

I would highly recommend his counselling services.


He/Him, 20s, Chinese, Singaporean

Dear Krish,

Thank you for helping me to understand what it means to stay true to myself, to what I believe in and to have the courage to move ahead with my journey.



He/Him, 20s, Filipino

I am very grateful for the way Krish talked to me and helped me when I was struggling with my fear and anxiety.

Thanks to him and I can now better control my emotions and my breathing.






自从 2014 年 9 月初次接触不良行为后,我的人生开始从高点坠落。在每天与惶恐和心魔的斗争中,我选择走上了康复之路。

作为一个成瘾者,我尝试过不同的戒除手段,也试过不同的心理辅导师,可是还是在戒瘾路上不断栽跟头。直到 2018 年遇到 Krish,我的康复有了突破。

通过強大的共情共振能力,灵活变通的心灵辅导技巧,精辟简练却又直达人心的沟通方式,Krish 帮助我渐渐摆脱成瘾者的固有的偏念,慢慢地建立全面的健康的是非观念, 逐步淡化母亲从小给我灌输的极端的想法。我一步一步地向着自我设立的人生目标前行,实现人生价值变现。

在康复路途上,我们这段亦师亦伙伴的关系维系至今。我希望 Krish 能帮助到更多的正在寻求康复的成瘾者,特别那些是需要通过讲华语进行心理辅导的朋友们。


He/Him, 30s, Chinese, Australian

Since my initial exposure to dysfunctional behaviours in September 2014, my life began to fall from its high point. In my daily battle with trepidation and demons, I chose to take the road to recovery.

As a person with an addiction issue, I tried different means of sobriety and different counsellors, but still kept falling down the road to sobriety. It was not until I met Krish in 2018 that I had a breakthrough in my recovery.

Through his powerful empathy, flexible counselling skills, and concise yet straight-to-the-point communication, Krish has helped me to gradually get rid of the inherent bias of an “addict”, and to slowly build up a holistic and healthy sense of right and wrong, and to gradually dilute the extreme ideas that my mother had instilled in me since I was a child. Step by step, I am moving towards my self-established life goals and realising the value of my life.

Our relationship as mentors and partners on the road to recovery continues to this day. I hope Krish can help more individuals with addictions who are seeking recovery, especially those who need counselling through speaking Mandarin.

I hope that we will be able to move forward on our journey of recovery, and that we will be able to live out our own wonderful lives!


He/Him, 30s, Chinese, Singaporean

Dear Krish,

Without your patience and guidance, I’ll never be who I am now. I’ll be still afraid, still caught in that Rat Race, and still be a non-believer that I can be better and deserve better.

Thank you Krish, I am very glad to have been assigned to you and gotten your help when I’m not OK.



He/Him, 50s, Chinese, Malaysian

My sessions with Krish came at a fairly critical point for me, and I am happy to say he has been incredibly helpful.

His direct but non-judgemental manner made hard topics easier to address head-on, which I really needed and appreciated. Reliably astute observations allowed me to really stop and consider my perspectives in a way I hadn’t before.

Krish is an incredibly open-minded, understanding and empathetic person who made me feel that I could talk about anything. He really helped me to see things as they actually are, and not as I thought they were. 

He helped me navigate obstacles that had previously felt insurmountable, and I’m happier as a result. I will forever be grateful.


She/Her, 30s, Filipina

Krish listens to me and takes note of all I said. I feel heard and he helped me understand the phases I’m going through.

Krish is the best!





He/Him, 30s, Chinese, Indonesian

I’ve had the privilege of being counselled by Krish during a very tumultuous and painful period of my life.

He helped by giving me a very kind pair of ears and also offering new positive, encouraging perspectives when I needed the most.





He/Him, 30s, Indian, Singaporean

Krish takes a genuine interest in my thoughts and experiences and listens without judgement.

He is often able to reframe issues in my life in a way that makes sense to me.

His insights have been crucial to helping me overcome demons that I once felt helpless against.



我觉得 Krish 提供的服务很完善,始终提供专业的意见,不偏袒任何一方。


She/Her, 20s, Chinese, Malaysian

I think Krish provides a highly desirable service, always providing professional opinions without favouritism.

He is responsible and empathetic. I am very satisfied with everything.


He/Him, 30s, Filipino

Krish is very much professional and makes sure that I feel comfortable when we are discussing my concerns.







She/Her and He/Him, 30s and 40s, Malays, Singaporeans

The therapy sessions with Krish have been very meaningful.

He helped me with my personal relationship with my husband. My husband is even more grateful to Krish for the help that has been rendered and how he brought us even closer together in our marriage. 

Krish also has helped me address issues relating to my sensitive nature, my anxiety as well as the personal crisis that I went through. He guided me to articulate the deep emotions that I never realised I had that were holding me back from expressing my true self.

He is very clear and worked with me on practical strategies to help me manage my emotions when I start having extremely negative thoughts. 

Personally, I feel much lighter after my first session! I took up further sessions with Krish knowing that this person is a good fit to help me with my difficult conversations. As more sessions went along, I feel happier and calmer in my interactions with others. 

Thank you to Krish for the wonderful sessions! I am extremely grateful to you and your approach to helping me be better. 


She/Her, 40s, Filipina

Krish listens and makes me open my mind to some perspectives that I never saw before.

I probably was not an easy person to deal with, because of my fluctuating moods but he supports me well. He never patronises or says things that I only want to hear. He gives facts and validates my emotions whether they are normal, usual, or expected.

He provides feedback to improve myself. I feel so enlightened after talking with Krish.

The first time I tried his counselling services, I was clouded by thoughts of ending my life together with my son, I got so terrified of that…But now, despite another episode with another trigger, ending my life never even crosses my mind. This helps me big time.


He/Him, 40s, Chinese, Singaporean

I am grateful to Krish for helping me express my inner needs within my relationship. Krish provided clear insights into the dynamics of my relationship, revealing how I had been neglecting my own needs, which contributed to a recurring pattern of tension.

Through Krish’s guidance, I was able to acknowledge and address these inner needs, ultimately leading me to confront and heal a deeply rooted wound from my childhood.

This emotional release has been transformative, allowing me to engage in deeper, more reflective conversations with my partner, and fostering a stronger mutual understanding between us.

Thank you, Krish!


She/Her, 20s, Filipina

I was all over the place by my emotions and did not know how to process them. I joined Reddit, hoping it would be a space where I could express what I was feeling, but it is difficult to process emotions when no one responds or seems to understand.

Then, I came across a recommendation for Krish’s counselling services. From his photo alone, I had a feeling that he would be patient and helpful—and I am so glad I was right! Krish is incredibly patient and truly understands me. I feel seen, heard, and validated in ways I never expected.

Through our sessions, I have gained so much insight into my situation—things I would never have realised had I kept my emotions bottled up. I feel a sense of relief now. I used to feel intense guilt about something I did, but now, I finally feel free from that burden.

Thanks to Krish, I have become more self-aware and have made significant progress in understanding my trauma. I owe so much of my healing to him. Without his support, I would not be where I am today, in this stage of healing. I am incredibly grateful for his help. Here is to continuing our journey toward becoming better versions of ourselves!


She/Her, 30s, Filipina

I like Krish a lot. He’s not just my therapist but also a guardian angel.

He’s very genuine and trustworthy. He listens very carefully and remembers all the details such as names, dates, events etc mentioned in our sessions. 

He made a very great impact in my life, especially my mental health. I highly recommend Krish!

“Thank You” will never be enough for all the great things he has done for me. Still, Thank You so much Krish!


She/Her, 40s, Malay, Singaporean

Sessions with Krish is like going through a journey. It was a journey of self-discovery and healing.

I saw Krish at a time in my life when everything felt so dark and confusing. I felt like a ball of tangled up strings, and he untied and straightened them all out. He is empathetic and listens without judgement. I felt comfortable sharing during the sessions.

Krish helped me identify some deep characteristics about myself and provided guidance on how to manage them. Although the road to healing is still long, he has helped me step forward in the right direction.

I would highly recommend Krish to anyone who is considering counselling and therapy. Thank you!


She/Her, 20s, Filipina

I was able to get answers for my concerns, and they were useful!

I learnt a lot without feeling invalidated. Great job!




He/Him, 20s, Indian, Singaporean

I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Krish for close to a year now, and during this time I must say that he has been one of the most important people I’ve ever gotten to know.

He is very patient, extremely caring and is a genuinely kind soul who makes himself available for the betterment of anyone he helps. His knowledge, application of techniques as well as willingness to hear everything that is being said truly sets him apart from everyone else.

It has been the highest pleasure knowing and working with Krish, and I’m very lucky that we crossed paths because he has changed my life for the better!


He/Him, 20s, Chinese, Singaporean

I worked with Krish through family-related and career-related problems throughout 2023.

He provided a gentle yet professional listening ear, and also equipped me with the skills to approach situations in my life with the right perspective.

I appreciated very much that he was able to help me make sense of my emotions, and also give good suggestions and recommendations on how to move forward.

Thank you, Krish!